Saturday we got our first taste of crazy parents getting their panties all in a wad during a game. Evidently, it all started because our coach told the team that they would be playing much better teams than this one, so they didn't need to get lazy on the field. I guess the parents of the other team heard it loud and clear and were very offended. I mean really?! Their kids stunk! It's not our fault that the teams were unevenly matched, but our coach just wants the kids to play their best every time so they can win the championship.
This white trash hoss started screaming that we had already scored 7 runs right when Cole walked up to bat (each team is only allowed 7 runs per inning). Then our coach's 5 foot tall wife starts yelling back to check with the score keeper, and then the hoss lady yell's that our team had poor sportsmanship. Oh my gosh...Shut up!
It didn't help that the umpire was like 16 years old and had no clue what to do. Finally, our coach just yells something back at her from the pitcher's mound and throws the ball at Cole anyway. Cole almost struck out with the distraction of the psycho mom throwing a fit about the score, but he managed to pull out a hit when he was down in the count...Actually it was an inside the park home run! Probably would have been a close double if the other team didn't have so many errors, but hey, we'll take it! Cole was so excited, and it was really cute to see how pumped his teammates were for him.

He was saying that his knee hurt from that hard slide he did at home plate. It really wasn't necessary to slide, but he just HAD to get those pants good and dirty. You can see it in the video.

Some parents are awesome examples for their kids. Yes, we were creaming the other team and probably shouldn't have run up the score so badly, but the other team's kids didn't care about it all. Most of them were staring at the sky when they were supposed to be watching the ball. Thus the reason they would miss the ball, and we got so many hits and runs. And the other team's kids went home happy because they got 6 runs in the last inning. They didn't know that our coach pretty much let them have those just to shut them up. Geez, just let the kids have fun. Maybe practice with them a little so they won't be so terrible and you won't have to make a fuss and look like a fool in front of everyone. Okay, enough ranting.
I think our
family practice during the week really helped because Cole got a hit every time up to bat! Yep, three hits! I missed videoing the first one because Brooke and I were a few minutes late to the game. I did see him get the hit as we were walking up though. He did such a good job!

They were so far ahead in the last inning that the coach flopped all the kids' positions around. Cole does better in left field, but I think he has fun playing third base. He gets so scatterbrained in the excitement of a ball and a kid coming right for him. He won't usually play there though and will be in left field the majority of the time.

Despite the crowd drama, we won the game 33-11 and the kids all felt like all stars.
I think every parent on the other teams takes one look at big Travis (in the front of the line) and has a moment of worry and fear for their tiny child. This kid is HUGE!