My child can't possibly be 9...Can he? Crazy. Next year when he gets into the double digits will REALLY be unbelievable.

We took Cole to the Jackson Generals game (double A team for the Seattle Mariners) the night before his actual birthday. We had great seats right behind the Generals' dugout.

Their pitchers were completely dominated and they lost by A LOT but, the tickets are always pretty cheap AND they do fireworks after every Friday and Saturday night game. The fireworks alone were worth it.
And so were the winks I got from a couple of the players when Nathan went to get snacks! Bahahahaha...Just kidding, Nathan!

Check out Cole's half smile. He can be a little punk but yet he's still a cutie pie.

Actual Birthday Day
Cole was excited about the cards from family because he already figured they had money or gift cards in them. But he couldn't quite figure out what was wrapped in his daddy's jammy pants.

Durr...It's a skateboard video game thing. LOL. That's all I could find to wrap it in.

Good grief, they're only 17 months apart but, Cole looks kinda tall!

Awww...Now this is cute!

Getting all the birthday calls from Texas.

Once again, Cole is the most pumped about the $3 wristbands just like he was on Valentine's Day. Nice.