After 2 1/2 years, Brooke finally decided that she wanted to change her earrings. So, Friday night we hit up
Claire's and searched through the mountains of accessories for just the right ones. We came home with 6 pair of big girl earrings and she chose to wear the "dangly" ones first.
Of course, she panicked when it came to change them and had tears rolling down her face before I even pulled the first one out. She's had some difficulty with her ears in the past, and has actually had them pierced three times. If you barely bump her ears they will probably ooze out something and leave a crusty mess around the back of the hole. They're not as sensitive as they once were, but it still happens sometimes.
I make sure every part of the earring that goes in or around the hole is dripping in the special ear cleaner (which is probably just alcohol and water mixed together). She says it stings a little when going in, but it's necessary. It's so nerve wracking trying to pull the backs off because they lock on there so tightly, and yanking them off the wrong way could cause her ears to get infected...Not to mention the tears that make you feel horrible.
She managed to hold on to her bear for dear life long enough for me to change the earrings. And she loves them! She loves how they make little sounds when they move. Oh my, she looks so big. After looking in the mirror, she actually said she looks likes she's 16. Wo! Slow down the growing up train!
She does look very pretty. She ran around at Cole's baseball practice swishing those darling, dangly earrings around like a little diva. And you know I can't resist a good photo op.

Brooke was 8 weeks old the
first time she had her ears pierced (before our digital camera days). This picture was taken about a month after the
second time when she was about 10 months old.

And this was taken a couple weeks after the
third time during a road trip to Louisiana when she was 4 1/2. She asked for it this time, but it was absolutely dreadful when she actually got in the chair and had the first ear done. She cried for sooo long afterwards, and we had to buy her some Hannah Montana junk, ice cream, and rides on the carousel in the mall to get her to calm down.

I found this video when I was almost done with this post. Brooke will NOT be happy if she finds out this is on here.
My advise is to pierce your little girl's ears when they are babies and can quickly forget about it. Yes, everyone stops and watches to see you torture a screaming baby, but the kid can't punch you and remind you repeatedly of the pain, and it's over and done with quickly. And, boy do those teeny earrings look so cute on those teeny little ears!