Mostly just picture posts for the unforeseeable future. Blah but it'll have to do. Sorry, Texas.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


If you haven't already heard, West Tennessee was recently hit with some very bad storms. Tornado warnings and heavy rains night after night after night. It was really ridiculous. All the towns around here look pretty beat up but it was only straight line winds of 100 mph or so. Granted, our damage is nothing compared to the people in Alabama...Thank goodness.

I snagged all of these pictures from our local newspaper's website. I wanted to take photos driving around but it was too dangerous with all the trees, power lines, and other debris lying around. Plus there always seemed to be some sort of on lookers tailing me. The storm clouds were nasty. I didn't see most of them because there are no windows in my office. My office is on the 2nd floor of an older bank building in the center of town so, when the bank president came upstairs and told us all to get downstairs into the bank vault, I figured something hairy had to be brewing outside.Trees this size and much bigger are down all over the counties. It rained so much that the ground was so saturated and just loose enough for the high winds to bring so many of these huge, old trees down. This is one of the big bankruptcy attorney's house in Jackson. One of lawyer's at my work actually goes against him all the time. Our firm represents the banks trying to collect their money and this guy represents the people trying not to pay their debts. These trees that fell and ripped down the power lines are right by the kids' school. The kids and I got to see them because I didn't know that school was closed. We didn't get a phone call or anything. Grrr!Nathan left for St. Louis that morning so I had to take them and go into work a little late. I pulled into an empty parking lot at their school and was instantly ticked. We don't have the local news, we have Memphis news, which is an hour away, and they didn't have any school closings listed on there. I had no other choice but to take them to work with me. Grrreat. I went back home and grabbed a bunch of stuff to occupy them, and hoped the lawyers wouldn't be too upset that I brought my kids and that I was an hour late. The kids really were very good and everyone highly complimented them. And my lawyer sent me home early because he said it was too boring for the kids to be up there any longer. Suhweeeet!

Super cool office chairs, eh???


Jenna @ Sharing My Jennarocity said...

Oh my goodness! When was all of this??

Nikki McCallum said...

The heavy rains started around the third week of April and just continued off an on through the first week of May. Baseball was cancelled for about a week and a half. The rivers are all slowly overflowing now. Parts of Memphis are under water but that's an hour away from us.

Anonymous said...

Holy cats! That's crazy! Glad y'all are alright.