Mostly just picture posts for the unforeseeable future. Blah but it'll have to do. Sorry, Texas.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


It's amazing how life can change so much in a year's time, isn't it? Not too long ago, Nathan told me that he couldn't wait until I could put on the blog that he was a yearly survivor of cancer like I have for my mom. It was at the very bottom of the blog but I just recently moved it to the sidebar. He couldn't quite decide when he would mark his 1 year anniversary of surviving thyroid cancer since he had 2 surgeries within 3 weeks and found out that it actually was cancer in the middle of that. He thought about it for a while and chose for it to be May 24th since that was the day when the cancer was removed completely. Just a little FYI...The 3 colors were selected 12 years ago by thyroid cancer survivor who is a volunteer for the nonprofit ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association. The deep blue/purple represents the throat energy center, pink represents spiritual influences in healing, and teal is a healing color. The 3-color combination also emphasizes the variety of situations with thyroid cancer, because there are different types of thyroid cancer, and it affects people in all age groups from young children through seniors.Nathan's incision has definitely improved since his surgeries. This is what his scar looks like 1 year later. It's not that noticeable since he's gotten some sun but it's still looks a bit like a zipper. That's cool though because I know how to work zippers. :) I know I'm proud of him, the kids are proud of him, our parents, friends and family are proud of him but, I hope that Nathan himself is proud to say...

Life doesn't always make sense but, we have to try and do the best we can with what we're given. And whether we like it or not...Life goes on. And when life is hard it doesn't hurt to flash a smile and just go with the flow.