Mostly just picture posts for the unforeseeable future. Blah but it'll have to do. Sorry, Texas.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


The movers arrived today to officially pack up all of our stuff. They shook my hand, quickly took a tour of the house, and then got straight to packing up my life. They weren't playing around and didn't waste any time at all. They were going so fast that I couldn't even keep up with them to make sure they were leaving out the necessities.
Hey, where's all the paper plates, cups, and forks and stuff?
Hey, where's the toilet paper?
Hey, where's the pile of papers that I said I needed to take with me?
I think I was really in shock with these men in my house piling up the boxes with no problem...Like it was something I did every day. I teared up one time but had to hold it in because they didn't have time for that.
My mom came about an hour or so after this all started to pick up the kids. She was teary eyed and said she had to get out of there. The kids had actually been pretty good. Brooke was so worried that her stuff would be left in Texas. I had to keep telling her that the movers would bring it all. Cole just wanted to hang out and talk to the guys. He was probably happy to see that someone was cleaning up his room for him.
Nathan's mom was so nice and very helpful to bring lunch for the guys. The truck was blocking me in and I didn't want them to leave and take their sweet time. This was so stressful that I needed it to be over with as soon as possible. She stayed for a little while and couldn't help crying at the sight of all the boxes. That definitely made it more official that we were moving away...far away.

Most of our neighbors don't even know we are moving. Since the moving truck sat in front of our house for about 7 hours...I guess they do now!

Well…They really did come and chunk all our stuff in boxes...What a crazy day!

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