Sunday, May 24, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I think Cole got 5 awards in Kindergarten. Honor roll is just about the only award they give out here. I feel so bad that Cole had to miss out on the last part of the year with his wonderful teacher and all his friends in Texas.
Cole was suppose to go only three days of school the last week. He went home around noon after the assembly on Monday, went the full day Tuesday and watched movies, and should have had a half day on Wednesday. When I picked him up on Tuesday they asked if he was coming the last day. What? Why wouldn't he? Oh that's right, you don't have to bring them if you don't want to since they already have their report cards and won't be counted absent. Sure, why didn't I think of that all those years ago when I was in school? Right before bed, I decided it would be a waste of time to take him up there for a few hours just to watch movies with a handful of kids. Yes...First week day of sleeping in...Or so I thought.
Since we now live in the far east, the normal was not possible. However, my mom decided that she wanted to be with her favorite child for Mother's Day. Just kidding Tim and Brent...She loves us all equally...Blah, blah, blah. So, I did get to spend Mother's Day with my mom. I chose a new church to visit. It is so uncomfortable going to a place where no one knows your name. But we went and experienced what they had to offer, whether it was our taste or not, and got through it. The music was not my favorite but the preacher was actually a good speaker even though his sermon made Nathan and I feel badly about some of our parenting choices. Evidently, he was doing a 4 week parenting series but seriously could have planned it around a different day. That was very fitting on Mother's Day to get a long lecture about what we shouldn't be doing and such. Slightly depressing.
We took all of these pictures while my mom put my kitchen to use preparing a wonderful lunch. The kids enjoyed getting so much attention from Grandpa playing outside. Without hesitation, he does the things we are too lazy to do sometimes.
While it was very nice to be able to spend Mother's Day with my mom, it was also bitter sweet. I did feel guilty that Nathan's mom was not enjoying the day with her youngest child the same way my mom was. I know that she was so very upset that we weren't there with her this special day or her birthday the week before. Normally, we would have spent the Saturday before at her house and enjoying the day together. Getting a card in the mail just does not compare to being able to hug your child. While we know she understands, it still makes you feel awful when you hear the sadness over the phone. However, the love is and will always be there, and we can all take comfort in knowing that...We just have to remind ourselves of it a little more often now.
Cole's school did a little end of the year musical. It was really fancy in the portable gymateria or cafeterium or what ever you call it. All the grades stood there and sang five songs from High School Musical. The verses are a jumbled cluster of forgotten words, but the choruses are loud and clear. Impressive. Check Cole out during the choruses where he suddenly realizes that he knows the words. Obviously, he was told to be still, but I think he really wanted to release his inner Danny Zuko and bust out a wop ba-ba lu-mop a wop bam boom!
Brooke wore her High School Musical shirt to support her brother. Actually, it was a complete coincidence, but it sure looked like I was the thoughtful mom on top of things and perfectly planning everything with no sweat.