Mostly just picture posts for the unforeseeable future. Blah but it'll have to do. Sorry, Texas.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Cole's school did a little end of the year musical. It was really fancy in the portable gymateria or cafeterium or what ever you call it. All the grades stood there and sang five songs from High School Musical. The verses are a jumbled cluster of forgotten words, but the choruses are loud and clear. Impressive. Check Cole out during the choruses where he suddenly realizes that he knows the words. Obviously, he was told to be still, but I think he really wanted to release his inner Danny Zuko and bust out a wop ba-ba lu-mop a wop bam boom!

Brooke wore her High School Musical shirt to support her brother. Actually, it was a complete coincidence, but it sure looked like I was the thoughtful mom on top of things and perfectly planning everything with no sweat.

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