Mostly just picture posts for the unforeseeable future. Blah but it'll have to do. Sorry, Texas.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Thursday we went to Doogoland with Julie and Alyssa while Nathan met his Ft. Worth work friends for lunch. It was actually a pretty neat place with several different pretend stations for the kids. Cole would have been a little bored if he hadn't found an older boy to play with...Of course, they tried to boss around the girls. There were only a handful of kids there the whole time and that made it so much nicer. The summer prices weren't that bad and the pizza was far better than Chuck E Cheese.

Tim and Leslie gave us their season tickets to the Air Hogs game. It was a nice night and the game was good...At least what I got to see of it. I was able to keep Carley, Cole, and Brooke in their seats long enough for the sun to go down. I was still trying to stay out of the sun as much as possible. They bugged me every few minutes to go to the playground until I finally gave in.




Evidently Cole and Ginger were more worn out than we thought.

Friday we spent the day with cousins and then loaded everything up for the looooong drive back. Saturday we stopped back by Nathan's parents' house for the kids to get in one last swim and visit with their great grandparents.
Four generations of McCallums.
A rare but very precious picture (even though I had to force them to take it). We drove by the Dallas Cowboys new stadium real quick on our way out of town. Just seeing it from the outside was amazing. Maybe one day we will actually get to see the inside.

We made some plans and tried to split time between our friends and families the best we could without upsetting anyone, but it proved to be a much harder a task than we thought. You have to realize that driving very far and trying to please everyone is not fun or relaxing, but it is necessary. Until you have been in a position like ours, you will not fully understand. So, this was our first shot at it, and we did get most everything accomplished that we set out to do on this trip. We had fun, we melted in the sun, and suddenly it was all done. Be back at Christmas, y'all!

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