Mostly just picture posts for the unforeseeable future. Blah but it'll have to do. Sorry, Texas.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Our first few days back in Texas were filled with such beautiful weather. Leave it to Grandpa to get the kids outside for some sunny entertainment. Running and jumping in the leaves is the perfect excuse for them to get their clothes all dirty. We've pretty much forgotten what it looks like to have leaves in the yard since we don't have a single tree at our house.

Somehow, I didn't get the endless energy gene from my dad. I sure wish I did though. He always has some project going or is tinkering with something. My older brothers are the same way. I know my family would definitely appreciate it if I kicked my lifelong procrastination habit to the curb. Jumping from one creative project to the next just makes for a messy house and a scrambled brain. My thoughts start to sound like the crunching of dried leaves just trying to remember all the things I need and want to do. Sometimes I wish I my mind had an off button. I bet I would sleep much better.
All Brooke asked to do when she got to Texas was have a sleepover with her cousins Carley and Dayley. As long as that was in the works, she was happy with everything else. So, this was the big night for the sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I didn't get that many pictures because Carley decided that I was the "picture monster" and they all yelled every time I tried to sneak in with the camera.

Cole could only take the girly play for so long.
He took a break to watch some football with Daddy.
Grandma's yummy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
I don't know why Cole and Carley were looking at me so weird. Probably something to do with the picture monster.
The kids persuaded Grandpa to set up the tent in the living room. It took awhile to get everyone all situated, but they all finally crashed.
No surprise, they were up bright and early, full of energy, and ready to play their little hearts out. Cousin time is so special and so far and few between these days...We cherish every moment even more now.

Cole, Carley, Brooke, Dayley and Grandpa

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Looks like so much fun!