Mostly just picture posts for the unforeseeable future. Blah but it'll have to do. Sorry, Texas.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


On Friday, November 13th I was fortunate enough to wake up to my sweet daughter saying, "Maawwwummm" at some wee hour far before sunrise. By the way, that was my best effort to spell out a long drawn out "Mom" by a whining child. You know the one.

I scramble to find my glasses and mad dash to her room. Ohhhh nooooo...It's the very thing I dread seeing the most in the middle of the night (picture of my findings not included). It's bad enough to have to deal with vile vomit at any time, but it's even worse when I have to clean it up all by myself when Nathan is out of town. This seems to be a pattern nearly every time he is gone.

The next morning she wants to eat breakfast immediately. Strange because she rarely eats before school. But since she's not going to school I guess she felt like eating. We get Cole off to school and shortly after she wants a snack. Ummm...Isn't your stomach supposed to be upset or something? While she's eating her "snack" and watching cartoons I decide to go take a shower. I tell her no jumping and to just rest on the couch. I get out of the shower and hear her sweet voice playing and having some elaborate conversation with something. I peek around the corner and see this giant display of cards. This took some serious time so she must have popped up off the couch right after I got in the shower. Wait, she is sick...Isn't she?

This is the 3rd time she's gotten a stomach bug in the last 3 months, but the 2nd time where she only threw up once in the darkness of the night and was perfectly fine after that. You have to keep them home though because it would be absolutely terrible if they got sick at school. I got that phone call when Cole was in kindergarten and it was not fun. He refused to let the nurse clean him up and just sat there covered in it until I came. Just imagine the look and soaked in smell of it...Disgusting.

Brooke was all smiles and bouncy all day long. Literally, she was bouncy as she jumped on the trampoline. What?! I was exhausted from getting little sleep and she wanted to do everything. I kind of felt like I had been played. Did she just feel like having a 3 day weekend or what?

I think she has missed 7 days of school already. I may be getting a questioning phone call from the school before Christmas break. Fingers crossed that I don't!

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