Mostly just picture posts for the unforeseeable future. Blah but it'll have to do. Sorry, Texas.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


The Easter Bunny stayed up soooo late filling baskets and eggs but still had to wake up early because these kids just don't seem to understand the concept of sleeping in. Letting them stay up late totally backfired. I should have known better.
Cole: "Did the Easter Bunny come inside our house?"
Me: "No, I saw the baskets outside and brought them in because I thought it was going to rain."
Cole: "Oh, okay. That makes sense."
Isn't it funny that we constantly hound our kids about how lying is bad, bad, bad and yet we feed them little lies all the time? I guess it's a right of passage that comes with parenthood. I want the kids to believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny for a long time, but I will be glad when I can actually get credit for all of the stuff we buy. Cause Santa sure doesn't pay for diddly squat. I wish he did though because then we wouldn't be flat broke after Christmas.
Look how sweet they are coloring. Brooke often does this and sits there so sweetly, but not Cole. No surprise, it wasn't long before Cole was throwing a ball up against the wall. Ugh...The constant sound of a ball! He may as well be nailing me with it right between the eyes over and over again.
Okay, I admit it, I'm a horrible person and didn't go to church on Easter Sunday for the first time ever in my life. I did feel guilty about it, but I just didn't want to go to a new church looking like a single mom and also have to deal with it being the most crowded Sunday of the year. Nathan just started working Sundays again and will be for the next six months (he's still in California right now though).

I ended up having one of the most frustrating days in a long while with Cole and just about lost my marbles...It must have been karma for not going to church. As Larry the Cable Guy would say...Lord, I apologize.

Cole caused the in-house egg hunt to be postponed until after dinner, but I finally gave in and did it. I always do. I can't deny one kid of something just because the other one was bad. They both thought it was really fun and switched eggs of what they wanted with no complaining.
They suddenly went nuts when I said I wanted to take pictures for Daddy. They let me take them but acted like maniacs in the process. Must have been all the candy too close to bedtime. My bad.
I attempted to take some pictures of the three of us to send to Nathan in California, but one of the kids was always moving or doing something dorky when the flash went off. Judging by these pictures, you would've never guessed the mental breakdown I almost had earlier that day. Crazy much? Yes, I am.
Yay!!! Bedtime at last!!! Now if I could actually get a good night's sleep, I might wake up in a better mood. Wait...I rarely ever wake up in a good mood because I'm soooo not a morning person. One can dream, right? I can't wait for Nathan to get back home and everything to go back to normal. We really miss him!

1 comment:

Brooklynn said...

Nikki, you are too funny! Had a good laugh. Especially about the getting credit for all the work!