Mostly just picture posts for the unforeseeable future. Blah but it'll have to do. Sorry, Texas.

Monday, March 8, 2010


For some unexplainable reason, I decided to try making asparagus. I've only tried eating it once before and thought it was completely foul. I've been trying to eat much healthier the last couple of months after feeling so sick to my stomach all the time. And I decided that I will eat better and sometimes more expensive stuff even if it's just for me because I want to...And I need to do so.

I got this crazy idea to actually touch this stuff in the store and then proceeded to stick it in a bag and buy it. Just nuts of me, I know. I looked up online how to steam these little weeds and noticed a few people recommended roasting or grilling them for a better taste. Since my propane tank ran out on me in the middle of grilling pork chops (grrr!), that option was out.

I wasn't sure about the explanation of the stem things, so I only used a vegetable peeler on half of the bunch. A drizzle of extra virgin oil, a sprinkle of salt and pepper, mix it all up, and throw in a 400 degree oven for about 15 minutes.
I cooked them twice as long as the recipe suggested, but they never got slightly crispy as promised. They were just beyond limp. And limp is never good :)
It wasn't even possible to withstand the taste of the ones with the spikes still on them, but I could tell the others would've tasted pretty good if they hadn't been so squishy and soggy. A little salty though.

I did attempt them again a week later with a hotter oven, no salt, and no spikes. This time the insides of half of them were completely hollow. Like the heat just evaporated it or something.

What in the world?! I really want to cook and eat cool and healthy foods, but when I screw up the simplest of recipes, it's really frustrating. I think I need some serious lessons.


Anonymous said...

Asparagus is one of my favorites - I'm actually about to plant some in the back yard! Roasting is good - just make sure to cover them with foil so the moisture stays in. That may have been the problem. Also, I like to just coat with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and just sautee them in a pan for a couple of minutes. It's also pretty good raw with hummus or your choice of dip. Also, the longer they sit in the fridge, the more bitter it'll be - they're the best when they're the freshest.

Nikki McCallum said...

Thanks, Janie! I'll try those tips next time!

Leslie said...

Grilling is the best way IMO. EVOO, salt and Garlic on them. Tim eats them up BIG TIME. If youre not able to grill sautee them in a pan w/ the same stuff.

Julie Harding said...

I agree w/ Janie & Leslie. If you did want them a little crispy, you could put them on the top rack under the broiler for a few minutes