Mostly just picture posts for the unforeseeable future. Blah but it'll have to do. Sorry, Texas.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


When I was in school and it was a big deal, I never had to worry about wearing the color green on St. Patrick's Day because I was lucky enough to have some green built in. My green eyes. The kids got to wear green shirts today, but still had to wear their uniform pants. They always enjoy getting to wear something different to school.Brooke said I had to wear green so I put on my pukey green shirt that Nathan can't stand. I got it because I thought it would bring out the green in my eyes and make them "pop" more. He disagreed. Probably because he forgets what color my eyes are.

A little back story: Nathan said that my eyes were brown the very first time I asked him over the phone when we first started "talking". What?! I couldn't believe he didn't notice my eye color when one of the very first things about him that stood out to me were his beautiful blue eyes. Ridiculous. This was nearly 15 years ago, and he has yet to live that one down...And probably never will.

So, just this past Christmas, as I was wearing my festive pukey green shirt, my sister-in-law had the nerve to say that my eyes were more of a hazel color...In front of Nathan. No way! Oh, he jumped on that bandwagon real quick trying to say that hazel was like brown. Puh-leeze! They are GREEEEEEN! Green, green, green I tell you!
I've spent unhealthy amounts of time today, when I should have been working, searching for a definite green eyed picture of me. I don't have very many pictures of me anyway, and what I do have aren't very pleasant. And the coloring MUST be off on all of them.

However, as much as I hate to admit it, my eyes appear to not be as green as they once were. They actually appear to be more of a hazel. I can NOT believe I just said that. What is my old age doing to me?! This stinks.
But, I swear, they really were a distinct and very obvious green for at least the first half of my life! Right, Mom? Right?!


Brittany said...

That first picture of you by the Christmas tree your eyes are definitely green, but the other pics it's questionable?!!? Maybe they switch depending on what you are wearing?! :)

Leslie said... know I have GOOOD eyes...GORGEOUS, UNIQUE, HAZEL GREEN eyes!!