Mostly just picture posts for the unforeseeable future. Blah but it'll have to do. Sorry, Texas.

Monday, February 15, 2010


This girl has no problem blending in here. She's quickly becoming a country hick...Or at least sounding like one. That's all she hears all day long at school, so I guess it was inevitable that she would just go with the flow.

It's so annoying though. She has the sweetest voice, but now we often have to remind her to talk normal like Brooke and not like a hick. I don't care who you are, any thick hick accent just really dumbs you down. No offense, y'all. :)

The only thing Cole tried to pick up when we first moved here was saying, "No it ain't!" Ummm...I don't think so! I nipped that in the bud real quick.

For Brooke, it seems to be more of a comfort thing to help her step out of her shy box and talk in front of people. She has done so well in school these last few months with finally answering her teacher and letting her know that she does know the answers, so maybe we'll just let it slide until we move elsewhere.
Awww...She looks so adorable in her matching boots and vest from Nana. She has been waiting to wear it while horse back riding, but the weather has been too cold for that for several Saturdays now. I guarantee I'll be snapping tons of pictures as soon as she does though!
I suppose the hick accent doesn't really hurt anything. I just don't want people to think that we're from Tennessee because we're darn proud to be from Texas!

1 comment:

Aunt Leslie said...

Pretty Girl.