Mostly just picture posts for the unforeseeable future. Blah but it'll have to do. Sorry, Texas.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Apparently I can't seem to keep things straight lately. My brain must be rattled from all of the snow days the kids have had off from school...Or maybe I'm just losing it. I couldn't figure out how I got so mixed up on the order of my posts, but then I realized I just got mixed up on the different weekends that it snowed. I thought I built the snowman on President's Day but it was actually the weekend before when we got a bunch of snow. Not that this really matters to anyone else but me, but still...I had to set myself straight for the record. Now that that's all settled...

Cole finally got that camo belt that he's been eyeballing for the last 6 months in karate. He's gone from white to orange to yellow to camo in a mere 6 months. Yep, it takes no skill at all. Our frustration with the program is beyond words at this point...Or at least any nice words...Or anything that I haven't already mentioned on here before. A quick click of the bold colors will serve as a refresher if needed.

Nathan paid for the belt the day before and told the school that Cole would be taking a "break" for a while. Even though I really wanted him to, he didn't tell them that it was because their program is so ridiculous and not at all what they sold it to be. He holds his tongue and just lets things be much better than I do.

And there it is...The infamous camo belt. Tah-dah! He hasn't cared to go to any practices for a while now because he says it isn't fun anymore, but he still really wanted that camo belt. So now he has it, and we can all move on to something else...Like baseball.Brooke actually took the next two pictures. She filled in for mommy and played paparazzi for a couple of minutes. Cole was so annoyed that she was standing out there with him.
The graduation date changed 3 times because of all the snow that kept coming and going randomly. The night they finally had it, Nathan wasn't able to be there. Cole was pretty disappointed about that...Especially when I was the one to come to the mat and tie on his new belt. That made me feel real good.
I was trying to stick my arm out and take a photo of the three of us together. I guess I was zoomed in too close and this was the outcome. Look at those eyes!
We did our best at home with the self timer on the camera. Ten seconds just isn't long enough when you're trying to mad dash on your knees, strategically position two kids in front of your belly bulge, and perfectly drape your hair around your fat face. But we tried and the kids thought the crazy scrambling was hilarious.
Goodness, he looks so big.
Cole, we are so very proud of you and everything you've accomplished in karate! Your skills and abilities are so impressive and absolutely amazing!!! We hope you always carry them with you, and they give you an advantage to be that NFL football star that you're dreaming of being one day...Or anywhere else life takes you. We love you!

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